Monday, December 7, 2009


Why do we get sick when the weather changes?

It always seems to happen every time the weather change...

and there seems to be nothing we can do about it...=/

We comply to the fact that when this happens...

it's a natural part of life and that is the way it is...

2012 had been screened for quite some times ...

personally, i do think that everything is gonna happen very soon...

Malaysia's climate getting worse each day...

Millions of people fall sick for many reasons...

and one of them is due to the cold-hot-cold weather...

Most people do not pay attention to the weather and its affects on the human body...

They are more concerned with their weekend plans...

and if they could be ruined... >.<


Even i don't step out from my room...

sickness find me too ...

and 'm just woke up again for the N times.....=(

Take good care dear all....~*


- d . a . r . i . a . s . u . e - said...

i also have bad metabolism...sickness will always come to me even i don't step out from my house...u too, do take care dear...

Weird Dan said...

Take care there too ya. Remember to see a doctor if it's not too good.

Weird Dan said...

Take care there too ya. Remember to see a doctor if it's not too good.

Kelvin said...

Oh dear, u are sick again...i remembered an old post which u wrote u r sick not long ago...u need to take care.

Wil C said...

Bad weather..Greenhouse effects i Take care of urself too. :)