Friday, May 9, 2014

Tiger Translate !~*

Recently, tiger keep on appearing in my life for good! First , i get to meet white tiger few days ago during my Bali trip, how i wish i get to pet a tiger so much.

Well, dreams come true few days after .

Yesterday, I pet a 'Tiger' !!!



Peek the brief here!

Translate template 2014

 Tiger Translate, a platform by Tiger Beer which celebrates global creativity through the exposure to different culturers and experiences is COMING TO MALAYSIA on 14th June 2014 @ Kenanga City !!!!

Mark you calender !!! ;)


Let's CHEERS!!!!


I like the new packaging of tiger beer! vintage color! *hearts* 



There will be few local indie music enthusiasts are all in for a treat as they’ll be rocking the night to four amazing acts from both the local and international music scene featuring Editors from the UK, Chochukmo (Hong Kong), Manic Sheep (Taiwan) and local musician OJ Law.

chochukmo press photo 2

Chochukmo (Hong Kong)

Editors-March 2014

Editors ( UK )

Tiger Beer is working some renowned artists to bring arts closer to its consumers. The artists have been commissioned to design limited edition Tiger Translate beer bottle sleeves which will also be showcased at the Tiger Translate event. Artists like Kenji Chai (Graffiti Artist ),  Lynda Chean (Tattooist) and  Kickatomic’s Tsu Ann and Jayme (Graphic Designers) will be there with us too!


And of course , the pretty bloggers are gonna be spices up the party too! ;D


I just want to say i am blessed and enjoying my days , and i am looking forward to see you guys soon !

Cheers with me with your Tiger!!!! RAWRRRRR ~~


Check out the details : Translate Homepage

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